Friday, September 7, 2007

Why People in East County Shouldn't Vote

If REELECTING BUSH with 61% of the vote wasn't evidence enough, Representative Duncan Hunter, longtime rep for East and Imperial Counties (Been in office for 7 months longer than I've been alive) said in the Republican debate that to stop Iran from having nukes, we should NUKE THEM! Umm, with IDIOTS like him in office, we'll surely see a nuclear WWIII very soon. Since elections for congress are every 2 years, we should start a campaign to vote him out.

What kind of example does it set for the rest of the world when we say "You can't have nukes" and then we Nuke the people who we're telling that to? Talk about hypocrasy!

What is most amazing to me about the rural republicans is that they vote against their own self interests so much that it's a wonder that they are even able to figure out how to vote! Take this scenario: You're a poor farmer from El Centro and you fall ill with Leukemia. But unfortunately for you, there is no healthcare where you work because the owner of the farm doesn't provide it with your minimum wage employment. Since you elected a Republican in the last election, there is no health care or medicaid of any kind. But at least you can get a job at a meth lab since the war on drugs has sent most local San Diego drug manufacturing to the rural counties east of the city. That is why the rural drug culture has caught on: because prohibition makes it safer to manufacture products and broker large deals away from the big city police. So the people who can't afford health care and hate what drugs are doing to their society are voting in a way that takes away social services and pushes the black-market of drug production and sales while a 1% tax increase would take away $130 a year from a typical rural resident and in return could provide for health coverage.

What most people don't understand about taxes is that an increase in their personal tax rate contributes exponentially to services because those who can't afford the services are the ones who the taxes help. They may be losing $130 a year to taxes, but they would stand to gain 10 times that in health coverage. Instead, they elect people like Duncan Hunter or Brian Bilbray, who make it a point to take services away from poor people to support wars (not just Iraq, but Iran and anywhere else where there ISN'T a genocide...) and racist anti-immigration policies. That is why poor rural people should vote for Kucinich or Paul. Why should people in El Centro really care about Gay marriage or even abortion? It's not like there are a ton of gay people there...but yet they elect people who will focus their attention on that instead of failing schools, bad water or other problems that affect poor people.

With it feeling like there's a debate every night, it's amazing to me that people still only recognize the top 2 or 3 candidates on each side. There's Clinton, Obama and Edwards, Guiliani, Romney and McCain but there's also guys like Ron Paul, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich. If people were smart, which they aren't, they would vote for the guys who don't have the big bucks behind them. But that will never happen. Cause like the great Kent Brockman (reporter on "The Simpsons") always said "When are people going to learn? Democracy doesn't Work!"

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