Friday, September 7, 2007

Kucinich for President and the impeachment of Dick Cheney

Below is from the wikipedia article on Dennis Kucinich, who as of the latest Zogby poll had just 2% of the support. While people are all going ga-ga over Obama (a good candidate too) and Clinton (why she's popular is beyond me), they should really be paying attention to Richardson, Paul, Kucinich and Gravel. The lesser knowns are the ones with the real ideas and are the only ones willing to make real noise. Clinton SUPPORTED the PATRIOT ACT, The Invasion of Iraq and many other controversial (and stupid) Bush policies. Paul and Kucinich have always been on the side that stands up against tyranny and lies. Just remember that at this time in the election period BILL Clinton had only 2%, Jimmy Carter was at less than 1% and same for Mike Dukakis. Be bold, don't just vote for who CNN and Yahoo covers, look at the candidates who are actually in politics for the betterment of America and not just fame like Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.

On April 17, 2007, Kucinich sent a letter to his Democratic colleagues saying that he planned to file impeachment proceedings against Dick Cheney, the vice president of the United States, without specifying the charges to be brought.[29] Kucinich planned to introduce the impeachment articles on April 24, 2007, but in light of Cheney's surprise doctor's visit to inspect a blood clot, Kucinich decided to postpone the scheduled press conference "until the vice president's condition is clarified."[30]

Kucinich held a press conference on the evening of April 24, 2007, revealing US House Resolution 333 and the three articles of impeachment against Cheney. He charges Cheney with manipulating the evidence of Iraq's weapons program, deceiving the nation about Iraq's connection to al-Qaeda, and threatening aggression against Iran in violation of the United Nations charter.

During the first Democratic Presidential debate at South Carolina State University,[31] none of the other candidates' hands went up when the moderator, Brian Williams, asked if they would support Kucinich's plan to impeach Cheney. In response, Kucinich retrieved a "pocket-sized" copy of the U.S. Constitution from his coat and expressed the importance of protecting and defending Constitutional principles.[32]

This is a pocket copy of the Constitution which I carry with me, because I took an oath to defend the Constitution. We've spent a lot of time talking about Iraq here tonight and America's role in the world. This country was taken into war based on lies. This country was taken into war based on lies about weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda's role with respect to Iraq, which there wasn't one at the time we went in. I want to state that Mr. Cheney must be held accountable. He is already ginning up a cause for war against Iran. Now, we have to stand for this Constitution, we have to protect and defend this Constitution. And this vice president has violated this Constitution. So I think that while my friends on the stage may not be ready to take this stand, the American people should know that there's at least one person running for president who wants to reconnect America with its goodness, with its greatness, with its highest principles, which currently are not being reflected by those who are in the White House.

—Dennis Kucinich, [33]
As of July 16, 2007, thirteen other Congressional representatives have become co-sponsors.[34] Three of these are members of the House Judiciary Committee.

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