Friday, September 7, 2007

Election 2008, A preview and a wish list

Sorry if you miss my daily blogging, I'm just too busy these, my boss didn't like me writing when I should be working...With the 2008 presidential elections just around the corner (primaries come faster than most people realize) we're starting to see some possible leaders emerging from the pack. While most people assume that the Democrats will easily win (cause you'd have to be dumb to vote for anyone who supports Bush, right?), the Republican party has some strong candidates with the power to upstage or simply run over the Democratic challengers. McCain and Guiliani are the two most likely nominees, and Clinton, Edwards, Obama seem to be the democratic frontrunners. So which one will be elected, which one SHOULD be elected and who would be a better candidate? Those are the questions that plague my mind, and seem to be doing the same with the minds of TV analysts and political junkies like myself.

John Edwards will beat Hillary and Barack in the primaries...the White, Christian male will win out as usual even though TV people think that ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America is ready to elect something different from the norm. McCain and Guiliani will have a tough fight, but I think Rudy may win out. So it seems to be a Guiliani vs Edwards fight and Edwards doesn't have the bizarre relationship history of Guiliani and he is also experienced in the race for president because of his time as a VP candidate. But as we know from previous elections, someone will always come out of nowhere and shake things up like Dean did. But for now, I see that combination being two vanilla candidates that wont stand out in the big picture of American History

In case you didn't know, Guiliani was married to a woman for 14 years before having the marrage annuled because HIS WIFE WAS ACTUALLY HIS SECOND COUSIN! Then he got married and divorced and married again. Usually that kind of relationship past is too damaging to a candidate. McCain has made a lot of enemies being the centrist that he is, and will not be able to win over enough of his party even though he would definitely win over plenty of independents and even some Democrats and 3rd party people. Why wont Hillary win? She was very unpopular as a first lady even though she wielded a lot of power. She's polarizing and can be a little shady sometimes. Also, she supported the war longer than most and seems to just be jockeying for the top office by being fake. Obama is a special candidate, but his chances are slim because I know all about the racism in the South, so he wont win there, his name is different and that will hurt, he is inexperienced and has even admitted past drug use. As we all know from Kerry-Bush, the most likely candidates usually end up fitting that mold even if things look like they'll be different.

Well, if I had my way, I would have Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders fight it out. Any one of those three would be great for this nation because they are very progressive thinkers with ideas that would shake up this nation and bring us in to the new era. While the others would probably try to continue business as usual (continuing the drug war, the war on terror and other "wars" that the US government has started), those three would put an end to many of our frivilous military costs and would end the prohibition of growth and sales of drugs, instead using the tax collected to provide health care (all three believe in health care, ending the drug war, putting education ahead of military, states rights, etc.) and other things to benefit American citizens.

While Barack Obama would be a fantastic candidate and I'd be happy to see him run and win, I feel as though we're just going to see another election of two white men wearing navy blue suits with a red tie. Things don't change in Washington too often. Kucinich is my choice: His views all sound so logical and beneficial to the nation, it's hard to believe so few people will vote for him. Maybe we'll get lucky and see an Obama-Kucinich ticket, but that would probably lose to Guiliani-McCain or whoever runs for the republicans. Americans are more reluctant to change than most people, just look at the types of vehicles we drive here and then go to Europe and see theirs. We're closed minded as a nation and believe only what we've already heard, not the new stuff. It took 6 years before people realized that having a full Republican majority was a mistake, and the damage was already done to our Supreme Court with Roberts and Alito shifting the court to the right. But at least they eventually realized their mistake…maybe the same thing will happen with electing generic middle-aged white men in red ties. At least it will be fun to watch the "Daily Show" lampoon this race, it is going to be a good one.

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