Friday, October 10, 2008

Why I don’t believe in God

I don't believe in god because god was a creation of man. Religion is only useful to those who do not understand the way the world works. God did not create the planet and all the creatures in their current form, it is all natural processes that are controlled by the laws of physics. If there was a god, why would he allow 800,000 Tutsi people to get murdered? How about the Holocaust? Or the Great Leap Forward? Or the massacre of Native Americans by the evil colonialists? Or even the Influenza or AIDS pandemics? If you total the deaths in just those few events, there are more than 100,000,000 people who have needlessly died. And that's not including the hundreds of millions who have been killed in the name of "god". Honestly, there is only ONE reason to believe in god and that is ignorance. If you are unaware of all the tragic and evil things that have happened in the brief history of man, and are not smart enough to grasp simple concepts like Evolution.

God was thought up by people before we had technology and science to explain things. It started with the Greeks and their insistence that a god controlled each and every aspect of life. Monotheism only came about in the Middle East and only half the world follows a monotheistic faith. So are you saying that 3,000,000,000 people are wrong because they don't believe in one god? And what about the other monotheistic faiths? Are Allah and Adonoi less right than the Christian God?

The Bible itself is nothing but a work of fiction. Do you actually believe that people could live to 160 (like Moses) before they had medicine and technology when people could only live to 35-40 after Christ? And most highly religious people are not in good situations. Central America is very strongly Catholic, and they are wrought with problems. Same with the Palestinians, they follow their religion with incredible ferocity and devotion, and does "god" reward them? NO! That is because there is no god and religion is nothing but superstition.

Think about it, if I pray for a washboard stomach but do nothing about it (which is what praying is, simply wishing) I wont get one...the only way to get it is by working for it. And that is why religion is not only false, but it's also detrimental to society in general. If we, as a society, sit around and pray for things to happen, they simply wont happen. Instead of wasting time in a church for 2 hours every week, you could spend those two hours planting a garden, teaching your kids about science or the arts, going to a museum, exercising, basically anything is more useful to society than sitting in an uncomfortable building hearing the same passages from the same book over and over again. People use religion as a way to discriminate against people (like Gays, unwed mothers and other "sinners") because "Jesus" says it's wrong. But the messed up thing is that Jesus preached tolerance and forgiveness, and the Religious right preaches the exact opposite.

Finally, religion has been used as a way to gain power and organize the stupid masses to follow. If you look at European history, you will see that the Vatican led wars (something Jesus wouldn't have approved) and killed millions just to get more people to follow their beliefs. Simply put, God is a way to scare stupid people into doing what the religious authorities (people who have no actual authority except for the fact that they became a preacher, priest or whatever) want them to do. To me, Christianity, Scientology, Islam and Judaism are all the same thing. They are just a way to occupy people's mind and time and to help perpetuate the beliefs of the select few who lead those religions. Poor people donate their gas money to megachurches while their preacher lives in a 10,000 square foot mansion and takes a chofer driven limo everywhere. Simply put, RELIGION AND GOD ARE BAD.

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