Friday, October 10, 2008

Only Morons will cast their vote for McCain-Palin

Why do people think those speeches last night at the Republican convention were good? I simply don't get it. I know the average die-hard Republican (not people like me who just became Republicans to vote for Ron Paul, but those hicks you see at the rallies) has an IQ somewhere around the Forrest Gump range, but how does that explain Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper and the rest of the TV pundits? First, we have to look at Rudy Giuliani's speech and how little he said about the woman he was introducing. During the same night of the Democratic convention, we heard long stories about how qualified and experienced Biden was, and about how he's ACTUALLY a good parent. But last night, all we heard were stories about how McCain was tortured (wow, big deal, does that mean all those "terrorists" in Gitmo are also qualified to be President since they didn't turn over information on how to get Bin Laden?) and how being a "Community Organizer" is a fake job. Not only that, but Giuliani actually said "he barely mentioned 9-11" as a way to insult Obama...isn't that just saying that Obama doesn't try to use a tragedy to get people to vote for him? Giuliani was a great protector of terrorism, he actually said that he "didn't see Islamic terrorism as a threat" despite a movie coming out in 1998 about an islamic terrorist plot in NYC called "The Siege", and an Islamic attack ON THE SAME BUILDINGS in 1993! A good mayor would have had added security near the WTC and there's no way a second plane would have hit that tower. After GiulianiThe reasons why you have to be a moron to vote Republican this year are as follows: They have failed miserably in the past 8 years and they have no new ideas or policies, Sarah Palin is the worst VP candidate in my lifetime, and they are running their campaign on lies, half-truths, contradictions and cover-ups.

First of all, if you have been paying attention, in 2000 our economy was booming, we weren't afraid of terrorism and we weren't losing dozens of soldiers and civilians (not to mention thousands of Iraqi civilians) every month in Iraq. Now we have a worthless dollar, it takes 5% of a paycheck to fill up a gas tank and there's a whole new generation of young men with Post-Traumatic Stress and maimed bodies coming home from a country we have no business in. So what new ideas do these people have that will make rational, intelligent people vote for them? NONE! In the whole speech by Palin, I didn't hear one mention of policy and I haven't heard any from McCain either. All they talk about is the war and abortion. They are somehow pro-life, yet does that work? I believe in GOOD wars, JUST wars, like if we went to protect those in Myanmar, Tibet, Taiwan, or The Sudan, but not regime changes and power-grabs. Does the middle class really want another 4-8 years of the same kinds of economic policies? Can they afford that? Obviously not, but the idiots who voted for Bush in '04 will probably vote for McCain in '08. As Joe Biden said, it was impressive what we DIDN'T hear last night, not one mention of Afghanistan, Pakistan, The Middle Class, Health know, actual issues.

Secondly, how can anyone read Sarah Palin's bio, listen to her speak, and STILL SUPPORT HER? Even worse, how do relatively intelligent people in the media fall for the BS too? Okay, let's start with college. Palin got a scholarship as the runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant (just what America needs, a Beauty Queen as vice-president!) and used that money to go to the wonderful institution of higher learning Hawaii Pacific College for a semester, then to North Idaho College before finally graduating with a Communications degree from the University of Idaho. Not exactly what I'd call an academic pedigree. She then began her "career" as a PTA member, then a city council member of a 7,000 person town before becoming Mayor. Then she somehow became governor and has been in that position for 2 years. First of all, if you are from a state of less than 1,000,000 people, your "executive experience" isn't all that impressive. Willie Brown, Jerry Sanders, Marion Barry were all mayors of cities bigger than Alaska and nobody ever mentioned THEM as presidential candidates. So her credentials are not exactly great, what about her "ideas"? Well, she's a strong believer in Creationism (thinks the Earth is only 6,000 years old), is against abortion even in cases of incest, rape or danger to the mother, she raised taxes on lower and middle class people, she believes in "abstinence education" even though her own daughter proved it to be a pathetic form of birth control, and she denies that the world is polluted and in a state of global warming. Not only that, but she supports drilling in her own state, destroying one of the few natural landscapes left in America.

Finally, Obama and Biden may be against attacking family, but I'm certainly not and neither are the Republicans. Think they cared about Chelsea Clinton when they went after Bill for Monica Lewinsky? The only reason why Obama and Biden's family values are off limits is because they both have perfect records of being perfect family men. McCain cheated on his first wife and was known for being a terrible family man, neglecting his family. Anyone who has a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant is a terrible mother. If you're a terrible mother, why should you be rewarded with a VP nomination? The Republicans got mad about the questions regarding whether Palin was ready and called them "sexist" when there was clear footage (shown on the Daily Show) with the same Republicans saying the same things about Hilary Clinton. The Republicans could only tout McCain's POW experience over and over again as his qualification and Palin's ever-so-brief time in Juneau (wow, big capital, 30,000 people!) while they said that Joe Biden had no "executive experience" (senate chairman? I think being the boss of other Senators makes you an executive!) and that Obama's job as a Community Organizer was somehow less difficult than mayor of 7,000 Alaskans. Ever been to Chicago? 7,000 people live on a block there, and organizing strangers is a lot easier than 7,000 inbred Alaskans. They said that Obama had never authored a law...when he'd authored 2 MAJOR senate laws and co-signed hundreds more. Any claim on Biden being inexperienced is obviously a lie considering the fact that he's one of most experienced people in Washington and was selected as VP for specifically that reason.

Obviously I could write a whole book on the lies told by the Republican party, but the one that bothered me most was their only mentions of economic policy (taxes, of course) were told in ways that made the idiots who are still considering voting Republican (once again, you really do have to be an idiot to continue these policies, either that or you're too rich to care) believe that Obama cares less for them then McCain. It's the opposite. Obama wants to tax the rich and to create jobs and health-care for those of us who aren't in the top 1%. They belittled Obama for writing books, but that's more because they are illiterate and not because the books are bad, even though he wrote one of them as a Law School Professor, which is generally a requirement for employment. They belittled him for being "elite"...even though he was from a poor single mother who was on food stamps and he worked himself from poverty to the Ivy League to Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law. I don't understand why people would want their president to be anything but "elite". I don't want to have my peers as president (though as a Nueva/Exeter graduate, my "peers" are actually the intellectual elite) I want someone I can look up to. Though Obama's policies aren't perfect (the embargo on Cuba will likely continue and so will the "war on drugs"), his background and experience really are. In 2004 I called Obama "The man who should be president" long before most of you had heard of him. After last night, if you still don't believe that Obama-Biden is a more substantial ticket than McCain-Palin, you really shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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